Los 2030
Mark Antony, 44-30 BC. Denarius (Silver, 17 mm, 3.22 g, 11 h), military mint moving with Mark Antony (Patrae?), 32-32. ANT•AVG III VIR R•P•C Galley right, with scepter tied with fillet on prow. Rev. LEG V Aquila between two signa. Babelon (Antonia) 110. Crawford 544/18. CRI 354. Sydenham 1221. Several bankers' marks and scratches, otherwise, good fine.

From the collection of Roman Imperatorial coins of Martinus J. L. Janssen, ex Tauler & Fau 61, 7 July 2020, 1170.

Legio V Alaudae (the 'Fifth Legion of the Lark') was raised by Julius Caesar in 52 BC in Cisalpine Gaul to fight Vercingetorix's last stand at Alesia, and was the first legion in the Roman army to be comprised of non-citizens. The legion served under Caesar in his wars against the Pompeians, and later under Antony. It survived the 'downsizing' undertaken by Octavian after Actium, but historians are uncertain about its final destiny, as it was either destroyed during the Batavian rebellion of 70 AD, or in the first Battle of Tapae against the Geto-Dacians in 86 AD.
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